A teenage trio teams up with cats on a global quest to recapture an ancient cat god’s powerful relics and defeat a monster borne of forbidden magic.
Stray cat Felix leads a happy life skimming milk from his human friend Rose’s convenient store, until the local protection racket turns violent. To save Rose’s life, Felix breaks his vows and shares an ancient secret. Unfortunately, Rose uses her newfound knowledge to mix revenge and forbidden magic, unleashing a monstrous abomination that forces the mysterious Council of Cats to launch a global quest for the Relics of the divine Great Cat. (W: Cortney Cameron A: Luyi Bennett)
Issues 2-5 to be published in 2024!
“Beautifully rendered… hit[s] you like a gut punch” – Matt Ligeti, Comic Book Yeti
“An artistic marvel…that will grab you, shock you, and leave you shaking for more” – Sasha Richards, Sirens of Sequentials
“Crackles with delightful, enthusiastic creativity…and beautiful art.” – Ben Howard, Graphic Policy
The Story
Cats have been disappearing in the wake of a ravenous monster borne of forbidden magic, and the Council of Cats tasks three teens with stopping the onslaught. Spirited from their homes in the Appalachian hills, Chicago suburbs, and California Bay Area, hardworking Riley, gamer Alex, and booksmart Sidney find themselves talking to cats in the Florida Keys, granted magical powers, and asked to save the world. Assisted by a motley cast of purr machines, from the stout-slinging King of the Cats to the falconry aficionado Master Cat, the trio embarks on a global quest, battling villains from real-life cat folktales in order to recapture an ancient cat god’s powerful relics. Along the way, they must cultivate their powers to control the elements, ally with a secret order of wizard-historians, juggle jobs, deal with parents, make sure the cat’s food bowl is still full…and maybe, just maybe, learn to work together.
The Characters
Wielder of the Second Tail
Member, Council of Cats
The Great Cat
Cat Deity
Pangur Ban
Self-Declared Chair, Council of Cats
Guardian, Garnet
Guardian, Emerald
Guardian, Lapis Lazuli
Proprietor, Tildrum’s Pub
Sidney's Cat
Riley's Cat
Alex's Cat
Apprentice, Keepers of the Cats
Owner, JJ Convenience
Mr. D
Bartender, Tildrum’s Pub
The Team
Cortney Cameron is the writer for Catians. She’s been working on the current iteration of the Catians story since 2011, but the idea started as a childhood roleplaying game. By day, she works as a hydrogeologist researching water resources. Currently owned by one tuxedo cat, she proudly feels she ascended to the next level of cat lady by making a cat comic. She thanks her siblings, Cassidy and Cody Cameron, for bouncing ideas and supporting the project.
Artist Luyi Bennett has been instrumental in getting the project off the ground as an editor, illustrator, and character designer. More recently, illustrators Isaac Anderson and Rick Alves, colorists Sal Monaco and Martina Rossi, and letterer Reed Hinckley-Barnes have helped bring the story to life!
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